Yay Me!!

A little elbow grease, a little google/youtube grease, a little phone call “HELP ME!” grease, and a ton more engine grease and the cabin filter on my car is changed! 

Although, to be fair, it’s probably easier than putting gas in the car.  But, it was new to me and I did it.  A good accomplishment for a Monday, if you ask me 🙂


Colin’s Pre-k Graduation

Colin graduated Pre-K last Thursday.  I’m one of those people that thinks there are way too many graduations these days.  But, this time it’s my kid so I get to be proud and not *quite* as annoyed 🙂  For his last day of the regular school year, this was the outfit he chose.  Hey, it’s a Witten jersey, who am I to complain? 20140603_081939

It was finally time to get ready and he couldn’t get the cap and gown on fast enough!


As soon as that picture was done, he ran into our room to look in the mirror.  Naturally, Oliver was right on his heels and aggravating him within seconds.  You’ll notice Colin’s face?  It’s like they’re siblings or something.  It never stops! 


He’s so cute!


Obligatory family photo.  Because, we rarely do it.  So, here parents!!  🙂


And now for all the songs they performed at the ceremony. 





Colin’s obvious favorite:


And finally, Colin receiving his diploma:


Plants and Eyebrows

Our yard.  It’s a humorous disaster.  Alan worked hard to get those horrid bushes out with the full intention of us working on making an actual front bed.  Then, we found out we have to get our roof replaced (AGAIN!), so we’re waiting until that’s done since it’ll all get trampled anyway.  One day we walked out and found a new plant growing.  It was no weed we’d ever came across before and we were kinda stumped (plant pun!).  3

Alan looked on the other side of our stairs and saw this:


After sitting there scratching our heads for a few minutes, Alan pops out with “I bet they’re pumpkin plants!”  Naturally, I ran off to the internets for answers.  Sure enough, pumpkins!  We’re all sitting there laughing when Oliver pops out with “Look over here!”


There’s a whole freaking crop of pumpkins around the corner.  See, the funny part is, for the last few years, we’ve so classily (totally made up word) shoved our rotting Halloween pumpkins into the front flower beds.  We pushed them behind the holly bushes, so it wasn’t TOO trashy.  But, into the flower beds, nonetheless.  Year after year they went in.  For whatever reason, this year they decided to grow.  And grow.  And new ones are still popping up. 

In the same order as the pictures above, this is what they look like today, two weeks later.


And in keeping with the plant theme, Alan bought me a rose bush a few years ago for Mother’s Day instead of a bouquet of flowers.  You can see it in the top right corner of the last picture.  This year for Mother’s Day, he got me a hibiscus plant.  This morning, the first bloom was open!


That flower is seriously huge.  I love it!!  To the right of it, you can also see my one remaining okra plant.  Some horrid dog, that shall remain nameless, pulled out my other two okra plants and ate them (and chewed on one of my tomatoes, and ate off an entire stem of the hibiscus!).  So, my patio vegetable garden is now a porch vegetable garden.

Now starts the eyebrow debacle. 

Last Friday I went in for a hair trim.  While I was waiting, I noticed my hair person was waxing someone’s eyebrows.  Having never had that done, I talked to her about it and decided when my cut was done, I’d try it out.  The first clue that something went amiss should have been when she put the “cooling aloe” on and it burned.  Bad.  That threw her since aloe is supposed to be soothing.  Nope.  As the day went on, the burning never eased up.  I felt like I had covered my entire face and just left my eyelids in the sun for hours.  The next day, the redness finally went away, but a lovely burn mark was left on one of my lids.  Now, on the 4th day, both my eyelids are peeling.  It looks so awesome.  What I’ve taken away from this experience is that my eyelids didn’t look that bad to begin with and waxing them is stupid.  I think it’s a safe bet to say never again will I succumb to that torture technique.