I love tacos.

Seriously.  I could shove my face full of tacos every day and still be happy.  Nom nom nom!  I’m not eating tacos now, though. Now I’m eating leftover this recipe.  It’s seriously delicious.  Yay after workout snack! 

Workouts.  It’s been a long time since I’ve done 3 day splits with sprints after, so I decided to get back on that.  Let me just say: OOOWWWWWWW!!!!  Ridiculously ow.  And slightly humiliating when your shoulders give you the ole “F You!!  You worked us to failure and NOW you want to try to do push-ups?!  Here!  We’ll show you!” and drop me on my face.  At the gym.  That’s awesome.  Thanks, shoulders!  But, I’ve seen the pay off, so whatever.  I’m sure they’ll get over it. 

I’m going to stop talking about my shoulders as if they’re sentient beings now.  That was a little weird. 

The vacation pictures still aren’t done.  And I can’t even blame Alan this time.  I have all the pictures, just have to go through them and put them in order and make an actual thing.  Vacation slides!!  Man, I wish.  One day. 

Here’s other pictures, though.  Last Sunday we met up with friends at the gun range.  It was the boys first time and they REALLY enjoyed it.





From there, we went to the Stars game that Mom got us for Christmas.  They lost, but it was still a fun game.  Even if Colin started asking in the first period if it was over….again….


No, that’s not Oliver’s beer.  At least, not that we’ll ever tell…

Fun….and stuff….

For my birthday, I got a lovely bottle of tequila.  In case any single person hasn’t already learned this lesson (and in my case, repeatedly learned this lesson over the years, why do I ignore it??), tequila is the devil.  The eeeeevil evil devil.  But, it was so good. 

Yesterday we got to go out with our friends, Bob & Heather, to the shooting range.  We’ve been talking about guns for a while and going out to a range for almost as long.  We finally nailed down a day to go and it was a lot of fun.  I’ve been around and shot guns before, but it’s been well over 15 years.  It was definitely evident as I was more nervous than I thought I’d be.  After a while, I got “comfortable” with the pink gun (yes, Heather has a pink gun and it’s awesome). 


One of the guns Bob had that I took one shot and immediately set it down.  Alan didn’t seem bothered by it at all.


We started out with regular target sheets (watch out anyone walking away from me!!)…



….and then moved on to zombies.  Kill shot!





Here’s Heather getting her badass on.


I had a picture of Bob shooting “The Judge” but it seems to have gotten lost in the technology ether.  Which makes me sad.   So here’s me with it.  For whatever reason, I kept leaning my stomach against the bench.  That makes for some awesome pictures. 

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And because the universe didn’t think yesterday was awesome enough, today Alan officially got the offer for the job we’ve been waiting on.  Yay employment!!  He’s really excited about this position since it’s no longer in the management role.  Hopefully, it will be more hands on like it was “advertised.”  Another plus, it was originally supposed to be a contract to hire, but they’ve changed it to immediate hire.  Yay insurance!!  So much relief.  The bills from the boys’ surgeries are piling up and it will be nice to get those off our plate.  And to, you know, be able to feed them next month 🙂